Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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No Guesswork, Just Compliance

Improperly compounded medications can lead to serious health risks. To help prevent these outcomes, USP developed guidelines to standardize compounding practices and ensure safety. However, navigating and complying with these complex regulations can be challenging. Simplifi 797® from Wolters Kluwer Health eliminates this burden by providing expert guidance and support, making it easier for pharmacies to meet USP requirements and deliver safe, high-quality medications.

Specifically, Simplifi 797 is a customizable, expert-developed solution trusted by over 2,200 pharmacies to ensure end-to-end compliance with USP Chapters 795, 797, and 800. The compound pharmacies won’t need to guess in inspection preparation.

The compounding pharmacy teams will have access to the SoleSource platform, where they will receive a comprehensive suite of Simplifi+ solutions, including IV Workflow Management with Assure-Trak. This powerful tool offers industry-leading analytics to identify trends, optimize processes, and improve patient outcomes.

Having one partner support all compliance requirements eliminates the complexity of managing multiple systems and regulations.


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Software: IV Workflow Management