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Software Without Limits!

Software Without Limits!

Adherence: completely automated (turnkey) refill management system to improve patient adherence; RxSYNC, sync all refills to one date to facilitate the appointment based model (ABM); Refill compliance dashboard to handle all refill related matters from one dashboard (refills due, missed refills, expired refills). Workflow: customized work queues, that can be created, named and prioritized by, so technicians can follow appropriate process and work in queues assigned to them; return to stock queue will pull up all Rx not picked up by the patient and sends reminders, after 14 days, reverse and return to stock automatically; will call bin management process saves time by barcoding bins, so techs can easily find all Rx related to patients. Automation: PrimeRx™ automatically fills an electronic script, by looking at existing patient, prescriber and drug inventory, automates the process of filling electronic Rx by linking various data points available in the system; two-way outbound calling, SMS/TXT, and email to stay in touch with patients; send real time financial info to owners (through PrimeRx™ owners app); automatically queues up all refills due for the day, along with the Rx on hold (filed Rx) and transmits to Insurance at a designated time; inbound and outbound fax integration through Sfax, a HIPAA compliant fax service. Outcomes: MTM opportunities through Mirixa and OutcomesMT.


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Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow