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Eyecon Pill Counter 9420 Model

Eyecon Pill Counter 9420 Model

Are you looking to reduce labor, while at the same time increase accuracy? The Eyecon Pill Counter 9420 is a unique prescription filling station that improves dispensing efficiency, helps validate the proper NDC and reduces counting errors by using a camera to count the black/white image of the medication. Using the Eyecon you can double count a 90 ct. script in less than one minute with 99.99% accuracy. The validation gives you peace of mind, and the unit pays for itself in a few months by virtually eliminating miscounts and greatly reducing labor. It is ideal for counting prescription pills and tablets, and can also be used to double or triple count controlled substances. Bi-Directional interfaces are available for most leading software companies. Robotic owners can maximize their unit by using the robot to do the first count, while using the Eyecon to do the 2nd count and capture an image at the same time. It saves photos of the pills counted by Rx number for every prescription dispensed and now comes with a 2D Bar Code Scanner. You can view the Eyecon training and testimonial videos at Request a free two-week evaluation unit on the website, specifying Rx Systems under the distributor name. Leasing options are available. Rx Systems, Inc. is a family owned full-service provider of pharmacy packaging and supplies including labels, bags, vials and LTC packaging for community and institutional pharmacies. 


Rx Systems, Inc.

121 Point West Boulevard

St. Charles, MO 63301

TOLL-FREE: 800-922-9142

PHONE: 636-925-0001

FAX: 636-925-0041

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