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Innovators in Eco-Friendly Air Purification

For those working with hazardous chemicals, ensuring safety and environmental protection is job one. AirClean Systems offers reliable and innovative hoods, workstation enclosures, and cabinets to pharmacies, hospitals, and biotech facilities. These systems safeguard cleanroom technicians, pharmacists, and the environment. 


AirClean Systems helps maintain a toxin-free workplace while supporting regulatory compliance and operational efficiency. 

The Cleanroom hoods and Air Purification from AirClean Systems undergo rigorous in-house testing to ensure they meet or exceed all relevant safety standards and quality control procedures at every production stage.

Customers who choose AirClean Systems receive field-tested products and years of expertise in toxic chemical and particulate containment. If anything is needed, the customer service team stands ready to help.

Michael Cassidy from Focus Scientific Solutions Ltd stated, “Nothing but the highest quality in design and technology from AirClean Systems. The sales and technical teams make everything seamless to work with. We have purchased several ACS PCR and Chemical Workstations so far, and all are running despite our heavy workloads.”

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This post is related to:

Contamination Control: Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators