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Proven Solutions to Drive Pharmacy Value

Proven Solutions to Drive Pharmacy Value

PipelineRx provides advanced clinical telepharmacy services and technologies, designed to help pharmacies of any size increase their impact on patient care while reducing total cost. Leveraging PowerGridRx™, our unique HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based platform, our flexible solutions provide you with scheduled or on-demand telepharmacy services, an advanced medication management system that complements your EHR, and a scalable platform for creating a centralized service model — or any combination that works for you. Our software can also help you deliver valuable clinical services such as Antimicrobial Stewardship, MedRec, and Discharge Management. At PipelineRx, our aim is not just to supplement your pharmacy, but to help you rethink it, so you can achieve more of your strategic goals.



600 California Street

Suite 520

San Francisco, CA 94108

TOLL-FREE: 877-696-9101

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Professional Services: Telepharmacy, Remote Order Entry