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RxCarbon Company Background

Company Background

RxCarbon®, LLC was founded in 2019, and our pads are protected by U.S. Patent #11,344,933. RxCarbon is the only absorbent pad that sequesters liquid controlled and hazardous drugs with two layers of RP718 activated carbon. We started out looking for a way to eliminate illegal diversion of narcotics. RxCarbon® Pad was developed for existing RCRA and Sharps waste containers to help address illegal diversion from waste containers. Our pads can easily be placed inside waste containers by end users or waste container manufacturers as a replacement of the current absorbent pads.

After designing the pad, we recognized a need to address USP 797 and USP 800 standards and decided to add an impermeable backing to the pad, creating RxCarbon® Poly. Practitioners handling hazardous drugs during compounding, infusions, transporting, or as a clean-up wipe can use RxCarbon Poly. Learn More >

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