“As studies have repeatedly shown, hazardous drugs often migrate past compounding hoods and work surfaces as far as counters, doorknobs, and elevator buttons. The new RxCarbon pads and wipes are a major leap forward in providing a simple, cost-effective method for greatly reducing contamination by these pharmaceuticals that are life-saving when administered appropriately but potentially harmful when present consistently in the work environment. I have personally witnessed the absorption capacity of the pads which is also a benefit in the case of spills or a leaking IV set. I highly recommend them for both hazardous drug compounding areas and hazardous drug administration settings. Using the RxCarbon® wipes routinely during compounding and adding them to all HD spill kits is the next step in reducing routine contamination and protecting employees and patients.” — Charlotte A. Smith, R. Ph., M.S., President, GreatWorks LLC