Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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How Can Innovatix® Help you Save?

As a national group purchasing organization (GPO), Innovatix®, a Premier® company, is committed to helping healthcare providers deliver efficient care while reducing costs across a wide range of products and services. Through group purchasing programs and value-added services, Innovatix® strives to achieve these goals.

Innovatix® serves a diverse range of healthcare providers, including senior living facilities, ambulatory and surgical care centers, long-term care pharmacies, home healthcare providers, and clinical laboratories.

One standout program Innovatix offers is Premier SmartPO®, a cost-saving procurement and inventory management solution tailored for the continuum of care. Premier SmartPO® improves efficiency and reduces errors by optimizing inventory management, automating procurement transactions, and maintaining business continuity with a standardized purchasing process.

Another valuable service is StockD®, an exclusive savings program on Premier’s digital sales channel. StockD® enables businesses to streamline purchasing processes, access meaningful cost savings, and update procurement systems for greater efficiency.

By offering these innovative solutions, Innovatix® empowers healthcare providers to operate more effectively while focusing on delivering high-quality care.

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Distribution: GPOs, Buying Groups, COOPs