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Continuous Temperature Monitoring

Continuous Temperature Monitoring

Since 1982, Rees Scientific has been the most compliant continuous environmental monitoring system in the industry. The system is designed from the ground up to monitor critical equipment with parameters including temperature, humidity, light, and differential pressure. We provide the most diverse methods of delivering monitoring data in the industry. Our system offers options in wired, Zigbee wireless, WiFi, or a hybrid of all. Rees Scientific’s Continuous Monitoring System is a solution for all sizes that can easily be installed on your network or on the ReesCloud. Our regional sales and engineering team can partner with you to implement the best system according to your requirements. Along with the regionalized sales team, we have the largest regionalized service team in the industry. Regardless of your location, our service and 24/7/365 technical support teams can ensure needs are responded to promptly. Rees Scientific has been the industry leader in environmental monitoring for over 35 years. We are proud to have the top five vaccine manufacturers use Rees Scientific to monitor their valuable products. Rees Scientific can help you prepare for the USP <800> and ASHP compliance standards. 


Rees Scientific Corporation

1007 Whitehead Road Ext.

Trenton, NJ 08638

TOLL-FREE: 800-327-3141

PHONE: 609-530-1055

FAX: 609-671-2751

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