All hospitals recognize that controlled substance diversion presents a very big risk and have procedures and policies in place to prevent diversion from occurring. We have developed the CsRx Service for hospitals to enhance their existing security procedures to dispose of controlled substances in a safe and efficient manner. Each Stericycle CsRx container will contain a preloaded deactivating agent and deterrent, which will require water to activate. Once the deactivating agent and deterrent have been activated, the containers are ready for use. The deactivating agent permanently alters the substance’s chemical condition rendering the substance non-retrievable; including pills, patches, tablets, and IV solutions. Our proprietary containers are designed with a one-way disposal path allowing substances to enter the container but not be removed, preventing any possible diversion opportunities. The unique lid opening is designed to prevent a sharp vial or ampoule from entering the container so that the deactivating agent can interact with the disposed substance. Only our turnkey CsRx Service includes lockable wall brackets at no additional charge. All controlled substance waste will be incinerated at a permitted Stericycle facility. Stericycle CsRx Controlled Substance Waste Service can help you safely and securely dispose of controlled substance waste.
Stericycle Rx Waste Compliance Service
4010 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook, IL 60062
TOLL-FREE: 866-338-5120
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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution