Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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(#6 of 12): Is it possible to make fraud, waste, and abuse prevention exciting? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates

#6: Is it possible to make fraud, waste, and abuse prevention exciting? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 

Watch the Full Series

#1: How can pharmacies know if their basic HIPAA program needs to be replaced? | Becky Templeton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#2: How can a pharmacy compliance program help secure insurance contracts? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#3: Who should have a DMEPOS compliance program in place? | Jenny Schell | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#4: Why is it important to have a written compounding compliance program? | Jenny Schell | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#5: Why should pharmacies consider offering immunization in their community setting? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#6: Is it possible to make fraud, waste, and abuse prevention exciting? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#7: How can the diabetic shoe compliance program increase profitability? | Tammy Hamilton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#8: How can R.J. Hedges help with the dreaded Medicare application process? | Becky Templeton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#9: Why should a pharmacy consider accreditation? | Jenny Schell | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#10: What are the benefits of entering into Medicare Exemption? | Jenny Schell | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#11: What are the hot topics in pharmacy compliance? | Becky Templeton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 


#12: What is the benefit of having a third party do a pharmacy valuation? | Becky Templeton | R.J. Hedges & Associates 

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