Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Introducing Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (M3P) Custom Report

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (M3P) Custom Report feature at QRx Solutions! This innovative tool is designed to provide you with detailed insights and analytics tailored to your specific needs when beneficiaries manage their out-of-pocket prescription drug costs.

Key Benefits:

• Comprehensive Report: Generate detailed and insightful reports, including specific codes identified based on the payer's authorized message. For example:
        • Approval Message Code 056: Indicates that a patient is "likely to benefit" from the M3P.
        • Approval Message Code 057: Provides necessary processing details.
        • Approval Message Code 058: Indicates that the transaction is not permitted to the cardholder.
• Informed Decision-Making: Make data-driven decisions with confidence.
• Daily Reporting: Automated reporting distribution to designated team members.

We invite you to explore this new feature and see how it can benefit your pharmacy. For more information or to get started, please reach out to Angie Smith at or (678) 400-0738.

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