Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

New API Announcement 

We think the latest addition to our API list is going to age very well.

Contact your Pharma Source Direct sales representative today for details on our entire line of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and stay tuned for upcoming announcements!

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"The larger the island of knowledge..."

Did you know that Sirolimus (Rapamycin) was discovered after a medical expedition to Easter Island? While known primarily for it's Moai statues, Rapa Nui (the Polynesian name for Easter Island and home to the Rapa Nui people) played an important part in the discovery of Sirolimus. 

"(Rapamycin) is produced by the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus and was isolated for the first time in 1972, from samples of Streptomyces hygroscopicus found on Easter Island. The compound was originally named rapamycin after the native name of the island, Rapa Nui."

Read the full story HERE, compliments of Wikipedia.


Looking for Something Specific?

Our team wants to help! Visit our website today and fill out one of our Chemical Request Forms 

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Have You Heard the News Yet?

Pharma Source Direct, Inc is proud to announce we have earned NABP® Drug Distributor Accreditation!

Press Release >

*All content, captions, and descriptors included within this transmission are general descriptions of active pharmaceutical ingredient products and services, offered by Pharma Source Direct, Inc., for use in pharmaceutical compounding. These general descriptions should not be construed as guidance, endorsements, or claims to the overall safety, effectiveness, or success of a specific product or its therapeutic applications, nor should they be construed as such. Only properly licensed physicians and other health care practitioners can advise if a product or service is adequate and for a specific patient. All trademarks appearing within are the sole property of their lawful owners.

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