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Baxter | In Infusion Therapy Drug Error Reduction Software Counts

Baxter is leading the way in drug library compliance.

97% compliance within one month of implementation.

According to ISMP guidance for Optimizing Safe Implementation and Use of Smart Infusion Pumps, the goal for drug library compliance should be 95% or greater. Even a single percentage point increase in drug library compliance can significantly reduce the number of unprotected infusions.2 Baxter infusion platforms with Dose IQ Safety Software deliver 97% compliance within one month of implementation.

Available in the Novem IQ Infusion Platform.

Powered by Baxter's IQ Enterprise.

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Automation: Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots Automation: Smart Pumps, Infusion Pumps Compounding: Closed System Drug-Transfer Devices (CSTDs) Compounding: Sterile Compounding Automation, IV Automation Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology Contamination Control: Cleanroom Supplies, Disposables, Sterilization Manufacturing: Injectables