Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

We're Attending the Compounding Pharmacy Owner Summit!

We're Attending! 

It’s back and better than ever — the learning and networking event of the year for compounding pharmacy owners and managers is this weekend and Pharma Source Direct will be there! 

The APC Owner Summit is a 100% business-focused conference where you’ll learn not only from APC sessions and incredible speakers, but from compounding leaders facing the same challenges you’re facing. Owner Summit isn’t about vague concepts or a 30,000-foot view. It’s about going home with dozens of actionable ideas to try in your compounding practice.

Make sure to stop by our booth and say hello! 


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*All content, captions, and descriptors included within this transmission are general descriptions of active pharmaceutical ingredient products and services, offered by Pharma Source Direct, Inc., for use in pharmaceutical compounding. These general descriptions are not intended as guidance, endorsements, or claims to the overall safety, effectiveness, or success of a specific product or its therapeutic applications, nor should they be construed as such. Only properly licensed physicians and other health care practitioners can advise if a product or service is adequate and for a specific patient. All trademarks appearing within are the sole property of their lawful owners.

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