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Total Pharmacy Automation Solutions

Total Pharmacy Automation Solutions

Parata and TCGRx have combined as Parata Systems to bring you the most comprehensive pharmacy automation portfolio. Check out how many choices you have from one great partner. The ATP® Series automated high-speed packaging systems offer scalable solutions from 64 to 480 canisters, accommodating unit dose or multi-med adherence packaging. AutoSense™ Canisters offer the ability to expand automated formulary using “smart” canister technology. With the PASS Solution Suite, you can differentiate your pharmacy by improving patient adherence and your operational efficiency. CompletePac™ is a convenient, easy-to-use solution for hospital/outpatient discharges. Multiple medications are placed in a pass time-specific pouch for easy distribution or in a larger pouch for discharge or leave of absence orders. Spend less time labeling, counting, sorting, and capping with Parata Max®, the fully automated robotic vial dispensing unit. Parata Mini® is big technology in a small footprint — powerful counting and dispensing for your pharmacy. Our Beacon® Inventory Management System provides vast reporting capabilities down to the bottle and pill levels to reduce inventory, increase turns, and reduce script fill times.



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