Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Get the Highest Price for Your Pharmacy

Get the Highest Price for Your Pharmacy

Pharmacy Consulting Broker Services offers full valuation, listing, and negotiation services to sell a pharmacy at the highest value. As a fully licensed pharmacy brokerage, we have extensive experience selling all types of pharmacies (retail, long-term care, compounding, and specialty) nationwide. We provide services for any size pharmacy. From small stores to large stores to multiple locations, no deal is too big or too small. Contacted by a chain buyer? Call us right away! Chains are experts in devaluation and shifting risk. We know through experience how chains operate. Our selling process will result in a higher walk away price while minimizing your risk. Wholesaler finding you a buyer? Your wholesaler’s focus is to keep the business. Our focus is to get you the highest price. The value we bring to the transaction is in the selling process. We create a healthy competitive tension among multiple buyers in a short window of time to drive value and get you the highest possible price. Selling your pharmacy through any party whose fiduciary duty is to someone other than you, will limit your pool of buyers and decrease your eventual selling price.


Pharmacy Consulting Broker Services

Daniel J. Lannon, RPh, Broker

TOLL-FREE: 888-808-4RPH


MOBILE: 651-769-4932

FAX: 866-381-6908




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