Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Your Small Friend Indeed

Your Small Friend Indeed

IV drug administration is common throughout your facility, but what about your routine? Have you evaluated procedures for maximum efficiency and patient safety? Are your IV bags protected? Are lines untangled? Are bag ports properly sealed? These might seem like common sense questions, but the answers might surprise you. Eliminate drug dispensing errors, improve accuracy, and protect patients from the risk of infection with the complete line of IV supplies and accessories from Health Care Logistics. Solutions include IV bag covers and accessories, IV locking boxes, IV poles and accessories, IV inspection light boxes and accessories, IV labels, mini-bag applicator, carry caddies and accessories, phlebotomy workstations and accessories, sterile glass vials and accessories, tamper evident tip caps, tamper resistant add port caps, tube and cable organizers, transfer needles, needlestick prevention, and more! Visit to visit HCL online or call to speak to a member of our customer service team from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.


Health Care Logistics

450 W Town Street

Circleville, OH 43113

TOLL-FREE: 800-848-1633

FAX: 800-447-2923

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