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Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions for LTC

Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions for LTC

Parata and TCGRx have combined as Parata Systems to bring you the most comprehensive pharmacy automation portfolio. Check out how many choices you have from one great partner. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to your pharmacy business. Our solutions allow you to continue to deliver first-rate customer service while growing your business. With products like ATP® 2, InspectRx®, Beacon®, and the full PASS Solution Suite we can deliver tools or complete systems allowing you to fill more prescriptions using less space, labor, and inventory. By making small adjustments in the software and hardware, TCGRx systems can address the various needs of your clientele. Our guided blister card packager, SmartCardRx™, is a low-cost investment for pharmacies looking to provide an accurate and efficient medication adherence solution.



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Durham, NC 27703

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