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Counting and Splitting With Accuracy

Counting and Splitting With Accuracy

Parata and TCGRx have combined as Parata Systems to bring you the most comprehensive pharmacy automation portfolio. Check out how many choices you have from one great partner. Automatically and precisely split pills with BullsEye® Tablet Splitter. This simple, yet sophisticated device reduces labor and pill waste by splitting up to 16 pills per-minute, hands-free. BullsEye cuts with incredible accuracy, ensuring that your patients get the right strength every time. The process is simple: scan the medication barcode, enter the quantity needed, and BullsEye splits the medication. Adding additional pills to the BullsEye formulary is quick and simple, only requiring additional canisters and a simple SD card update. TCGRx’s custom-made half tab canisters will create greater efficiency in the packaging process by automating dispensing out of the ATP® 2 instead of processing them through the manual tray. Parata’s AccuCount II® Scale is a cost-effective table-top device with the precision to accurately weigh oral solids in seconds. Pharmacies rely on Parata for the standard in pharmacy scales.

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Durham, NC 27703
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