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National Leader in Outsourced Unit-Dose Drug Repackaging

National Leader in Outsourced Unit-Dose Drug Repackaging

Safecor Health is a national leader committed to providing unit-dose repackaging services that allow institutional pharmacists to outsource the challenging and time-consuming tasks of packaging. Operating out of two state-of-the-art, FDA-registered facilities, Safecor Health helps pharmacies develop a comprehensive unit-dose packaging strategy, including unit-dose oral solids, liquid unit-dose cups, oral syringes, robot-compatible packaging, controlled substance and hazardous drug packaging, and bar coding and labeling. Safecor Health’s services provide significant cost savings and operational efficiency to hundreds of hospitals and health systems nationwide, all while improving quality, patient care, and medication safety.


Safecor Health

4060 Business Park Drive

Columbus, OH 43204

TOLL-FREE: 800-447-1006

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Single-Dose Packaging Resources, Supplies