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Manufacturers of Containment and Clean Air Laboratory Equipment

Manufacturers of Containment and Clean Air Laboratory Equipment

The Baker Company has a long history of providing the highest-quality containment and clean air products for retail, hospital, and clinical pharmacy applications. Our products continue to set the industry standard for safety, performance, operating efficiencies, and ergonomics through innovative research, meticulous engineering, and on-going testing. Baker offers pharmacy glove box isolators for the aseptic compounding of pharmaceuticals, biological safety cabinets, clean benches, fume hoods, incubators, and custom-engineered clean air containment enclosures. We have recently partnered with Grifols to introduce the first biosafety cabinet (and clean bench) with Phocus Rx.


The Baker Company

161 Gatehouse Road

Sanford, ME 04073

TOLL-FREE: 800-992-2537

PHONE: 207-324-8773

FAX: 207-324-3869

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