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Offering Compliance Assistance in Managing Hazardous Drugs and Hazardous Waste

Offering Compliance Assistance in Managing Hazardous Drugs and Hazardous Waste

Jump start your USP <800> Compliance Program! PharmEcology Services, a well-known provider of hazardous waste management compliance assistance, now offers a USP <800> Assessment of Risk Consulting Program designed to complement your USP <800> efforts. Based on your facility’s specific hazardous drug list, our expert registered pharmacists provide an initial Assessment of Risk by National Drug Code for your review and customization. We also provide several organizational tools designed to ensure nothing is missed and all information is readily retrievable during internal or external audits and surveys.  Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in becoming USP <800> compliant by December 1, 2019!


PharmEcology Services, WMSS

Monica Livingston

P.O. Box 1654

Brookfield, WI 53008-1654

TOLL-FREE: 877-247-7430

FAX: 713-202-2510

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