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Visit the National Pharmaceutical Return "Pharmaceutical Waste Management" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

NPR National Pharmaceutical Returns

Simplifying Returns

Off-Site Pharmaceutical Returns Processing Services • Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Services

NPR Facts:

-All inclusive service fees.

-NPR offers FREE shipping.*

-NPR offers FREE tracking of credits.

-NPR offers FREE shipping to the manufacturers.

-NPR offers FREE comprehensive reports that you can use for tax purposes (reports also available online).

-NPR offers FREE disposal of non-returnable items and hazardous waste.*

-NPR offers FREE use of NPR's holding morgue for in-dated products with the potential of future credit.

-NPR is licensed to receive Schedule I drugs along with Schedule II-Vs.

-NPR offers FREE 222 forms.

-NPR’s secure website allows you to bar code scan your inventory. All drug information is auto-filled. All you have to do is fill in your quantities.

*With qualifying orders.

We accept products for return or disposal from all medical facilities including:

-Retail Pharmacies

-Hospital Pharmacies

-Wholesaler Morgues

-Ambulatory Services

-Veterinary Facilities

-Doctor’s Offices

-Dentist’s Offices

-Long Term Facilities

-Infusion Services

-Surgical Centers

-Mail/Closed Door Pharmacies


NPR realizes the importance of staying in full regulatory compliance. This not only protects NPR, but our customers as well. All products marked for destruction are destroyed by means of incineration and within all regulatory guidelines.

-NPR is licensed as a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator. All return companies should have this classification and be able to provide proof.

-NPR is in full compliance with: DEA, EPA, OSHA, DOT, VAWD and Individual State regulations.

-NPR holds the appropriate licensing to conduct business and is adequately insured

Please call one of our Customer Care Representatives to see how we can help you today and in the future.

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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution