Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Paragon Ventures booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Healthcare Mergers & Strategic Acquisitions

Paragon Ventures is one of the nation's leading specialists in the merger, acquisition, and divestiture of private mid-market healthcare companies. Our team has successfully completed over 200 transactions and advised thousands of business owners nationwide since 1994. We specialize in the health care industry including all sectors of pharmacy distribution, home healthcare, respiratory, sleep and infusion therapies, nursing services, medical supply distribution, and related medical technologies.

We create business opportunities for people

The merger and acquisition business is a "people business" first and foremost. We understand this. The business owners who have worked with us over the past decade can attest to it. We create business opportunities that deliver REAL VALUE for real people.


We specialize in the entire process.

With almost a century of combined business finance, marketing, and operations experience we understand the intricacies of customer demographics, reimbursement and governmental regulations. We know how to highlight the Real Value that business buyers demand. From initial strategic exit planning through valuation and marketing to finalizing the sale, Paragon Ventures manages the entire process.


Structuring, negotiating, and closing a deal involves for than mechanics

Our transactions are life-changing for the business owners, their families, and employees. We understand the “psychology of the deal” and the emotions and implications that come with it.


It's about knowing how to unlock the REAL VALUE in your company

Understanding your business and its value... presenting the company in its very best light and finding the opportunities that deliver that REAL VALUE. This is what we do... every day!

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Mergers, Acquisitions, Buying-Selling, Franchising