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Visit the R.C. Smith Company "Pharmacy Design & Fixtures" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

R.C. Smith is a leader in the field of pharmacy design and modular pharmacy casework with over 7,000 completed projects in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Founded in 1965 and still a family owned business.

Pharmacy Design

At R.C. Smith, we understand that a highly functional pharmacy begins with a soundly planned design. Our design team will combine years of experience with sophisticated design software coupled with a collaborative approach to insure the success of your project.

Here are some of the ways that we can support you during design:

-by recommending an appropriate pharmacy square footage based on similar projects in our database to insure that you have the right amount of space.

-by offering site visits to other facilities so that you can see our work firsthand and receive input from colleagues who have been through the process.

-by understanding clean room design criteria and USP <797> / USP <800> state board of pharmacy regulatory compliance standards.

-by providing a variety of design and product options to select from so that the very best solution is realized.

-by reviewing plans with you and your team so that everyone has a clear understanding of how your finished project will look, feel and operate.

-our design team will help you create a pharmacy that is highly functional, productive, ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing.

Modular Pharmacy Casework

R.C. Smith’s modular pharmacy casework is innovative and has been developed with a form-meets-function design philosophy after listening to countless numbers of pharmacy directors and staff along with architects working in the healthcare field. Our casework is fully manufactured in our own state of the art manufacturing facility that you are welcome to tour.

The R.C. Smith Modular Pharmacy Casework has these qualities:

-Engineered specifically for the needs of pharmacy






-Maximizes space

-Available in many configurations and finishes

-Custom configurations and sizes are available as needed

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Design, Fixtures, Engineering