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Visit the Robotik Technology booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


From the very beginning, we created Robotik Technology to offer a manual dose preparation solution system for pharmacies in the French marketplace. Leading the marketplace with innovation on dose preparation solutions has become our passion and our goal. In addition to the French market, we have offered solutions in Europe, Asia, and now the Americas.

In 1997, more than 250 French and European pharmacies were equipped with manual “personal dose administrations” (PDAs). Building on this success, in 1999, we created our R & D department to continue to provide more in-depth solutions. We combine technological flexibility and regulatory compliance: our quality system and project methodology aim to provide state-of-the-art products and solutions. This methodology is based on an interactive approach that promotes responsiveness and collaboration with our clients.

ROBOTIK TECHNOLOGY offers the ideal system for making dose bags (pouches) or blister cards with integrated fractional tablet management:

  • Security
  • Traceability
  • Efficiency

Our latest technology offering is the Blisterpack dose robot, designed to use a wide range of blister card material types. This is the first robotic blister card solution that can be configured for either Multi-Dose or Single-Dose dispensing.

Combining performance, reliability, and ease of use, our PDA-Automation robot’s range is complete and tailored to meet your needs.

Discover all the technical characteristics of the different models of automatic dispensing and bagging/pouching or blister card systems for oral solids.

Dose Bag / Pouch PDA-A’s:

Large volumes

AP-405 – 405 cassettes 

AP-500 – 500 cassettes

Intermédiate volumes

AP-207 robot – 207 cassettes

AP-224 robot – 224 cassettes 

AP-267 robot – 267 cassettes

Small volumes

Mini FSP – Cassette based, kitted per order by a technician

SAP-88 robot – 88 cassettes

Blister Card PDA-A’s:

BAP-198 – 198 cassettes (at a time)

BAP-290 – 290 cassettes (at a time)

Robotik is not just a dispensing device provider. Our PDA-Automation is just the stepping stone of the solution that will enable your pharmacy to provide a higher level of patient care services centered around dose administration. With our Eureka software products, we can tailor a complete solution so that you have a unique medication compliance system in place that better aids the retention of customers and raises their health status and satisfaction with the pharmacy PDA your pharmacy can offer. Let Robotik Technology partner with your pharmacy to build a healthy future together!

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Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots