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Visit the Texwipe "Cleanroom Supplies" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


With over 50 years of experience in the contamination control industry, Texwipe offers a complete array of cleanroom cleaning consumable products.

Our highly professional team will help you select and develop cleaning products for any application to achieve contamination control in your critical, controlled and sterile environments.

To support our customers, we offer:

-On-site facility cleaning audits

-Technical training for staff

-Brochures, technical articles and data sheets

-Step-by-step guides

-Training videos


Cleanroom Cleaning Consumable Products:

Ultraclean low-lint dry wipers and wipers prewetted with 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solutions

-Sterile and non-sterile

-All sterile products are double- or triple-bagged for easy introduction into sterile environments.

70% IPA solutions and 70% denatured ethanol solutions

-Sterile and non-sterile

-Made with USP-grade IPA and USP-grade water

EPA-registered disinfectants

-Sanitizers, bactericidal and sporicidal disinfectants with only two-minute Clostridium difficile kill claim

-Sterile and non-sterile


-Dry and prewetted, low-TOC swabs and kits for cleaning validation

-Sterile and non-sterile

Mops and buckets

-For floors, walls and ceilings

-Sterile and non-sterile

Isolator cleaning tools

Cleanroom stationery

-Paper, notebooks, clipboards and binders

Cleanroom adhesive tapes and labels

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Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators