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Verity Solutions - We're Your Experts in 340B Program Compliance

Company Background 

Founded in 2002 Verity Solutions provides 340B software and services to hundreds of integrated healthcare systems, acute-care hospitals, pharmacies, and other 340B-eligible covered entities throughout the United States. Verity Solutions is located in Kirkland, WA, with employees stationed all across the nation to best serve our widespread customer base. 

Product Overview 

Verity Solutions is an award-winning provider of 340B software and services. We understand the importance of maintaining and growing the hospital's relationship with both independent and chain pharmacies in your community. Verity can help you maximize the performance and agility of your 340B program with a host of service and product offerings designed to help you stretch your scarce resources, foster compliance, respond quickly to changing regulations, and maximize your savings. Verity is your comprehensive solution for split billing, contract pharmacy, specialty/hemophilia contract pharmacy, audit and compliance services, compliance management and tracking tools, and purchase optimization analytics. 

Features & Options

• 340B Centralized Distribution Solutions 

• Support for Mixed 340B and Non-340B Facilities 

• VHub for Pharmacy Chain 340B Replenishment Management 


“Verity Solutions is different from others because they have been a partner with us and with others around the country. Verity Solutions aims to find whatever solution or application may be needed. This often requires one-off programming to make the software work. That has been the real strength of Verity Solutions. That flexibility has given them a chance to grow in a lot of unexpected directions, and their competitors are trying to catch up. When Verity Solutions began to gain market share, their competitors came in and told us they could do the things Verity Solutions was doing, even though those vendors weren’t interested when I talked with them previously.” — VP/Other Executive Additional 

Product Modules 

• Split Billing 

• Contract Pharmacy 

• Audit and Compliance 

Key Business Partners 

• 340B Health 

• National Rural Health Association 

• National Association of Community Health Centers 


Markets Served 

Eligible hospitals and clinics inclusive of the following: Disproportionate Share Hospital, Children’s Hospitals, Cancer Hospitals, Sole Community Hospitals, Rural Referral Centers, Critical Access Hospitals, FQHC’s, FQHC Look-alikes, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees, Hemophilia Treatment Centers, Tuberculosis Clinics, Black Lung Clinics, Family Planning Clinics, Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics, Urban Indian Clinics, and Native Hawaiian Health Centers. 

Trade Shows/Meetings Attended 

• 340B Coalition Winter/Spring Conference – Pinnacle Partner 

• Spring/Fall Health Connect Partners – Hospital Pharmacy Conference 

• Armada/Asembia Specialty Pharmacy Summit 

• National Rural Health Association – Pipeline Partner 

• National Association of Community Health Centers Community Health Institute and Expo 

• NW Regional Primary Care Association Fall Primary Conference 

• California Primary Care Association Conference 

• Oklahoma Annual Convention and Trade Show 


• 340B Health Round Tables GPO Affiliations 

• Amerinet (Intalere) 

• Ascension 

• Acurity Pricing Information Affordable solutions appropriately priced for the smallest covered entity to the largest IDN.

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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems