Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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TCGRx is a Partner You Can Trust for All of Your Pharmacy Solutions

Company Background 

TCGRx is a leading supplier of pharmacy automation and pharmacy design services. Our solutions range from individual components to address specific issues, to complete pharmacy design. TCGRx has an experienced staff and we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, reliable products that can be used, improved, and scaled, for decades to come. 

Product Overview 

Beacon® Inventory Management organizes your inventory and utilizes it to its maximum potential. Beacon uses open bottles first, and soon-to-expire second. You can override the system to place your fastest moving inventory close at hand, or move seasonal medications to lesser used areas during non-peak times of the year. All parts of Beacon use pick-to-light technology for rapid location dispensing. Beacon also includes PharmLoc secure med storage and the DeliverRx™ will-call delivery system. These features create a safe, accurate, and efficient process from beginning to end to ensure patients receive not only the correct medications, but all medications in their prescription.

Additional Product Lines 


TCGRx is excited to offer the first multi-med blister adherence system to utilize advanced LED lighting and barcode technology to help facilitate the efficiency of blister card filling. SmartCardRx™ enables the pharmacist to fill up to four cards per patient, or four patients per tray, using a unique barcode system and patented fill-to-light technology for improved productivity, accuracy, and safety. SmartCardRx works with a wide range of multi-med card formats to simplify medication management for patients with multiple prescriptions. Multimed cards help patients improve medication adherence, leading to improved health outcomes. The patient card is printed with patient information and a full medication index. In addition, the patient blister card can be custom printed with pharmacy branding, enabling each facility to uniquely align with their branding initiatives. 

Blister Consumables 

Along with SmartCardRx, TCGRx proudly offers the following blister consumables: 

• Multi-Med 2-Piece 

• Unit Dose 1-Piece 

• Unit Dose 2-Piece 

• Control Blisters and Cards 

Our blister product line provides multi-medication and unit dose cards with blisters in a variety of sizes to fit the unique needs of each script-filling pharmacy. We provide cards in 28-, 30-, 31-, and 32-day doses, as well as weekly cards with multiple pass times. 

Markets Served 

• Hospital – Inpatient 

• Hospital – Outpatient 

• Central Fill 

• Specialty 

• Independent Retail 

• Retail Chain 

• Long-Term Care 

• Nutraceuticals 

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Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots Medication Inventory Management & Procurement