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Transform Your Ambulatory Setting With ScriptPro's Comprehensive Pharmacy Solutions

Company Background 

ScriptPro is a technology company founded in 1994, with corporate headquarters in the Kansas City area. The company's initial product, the SP 200 Robotic Prescription Dispensing System, pioneered the use of robotics in community pharmacies. Today, ScriptPro offers a comprehensive line of over 200 pharmacy automation and management system products that have revolutionized pharmacy operations worldwide. ScriptPro products operate in thousands of independent, chain, hospital, supermarket, and government pharmacies. Leading hospitals in the U.S. and around the world use ScriptPro systems to ensure accuracy and patient safety. Mike Coughlin is the founder of ScriptPro, and President and CEO of the company. His vision for “Perfect Integration” for pharmacy systems puts the company at the forefront of the industry. 

Product Overview 

ScriptPro provides a comprehensive, integrated platform of roboticsenabled systems to optimize retail and ambulatory pharmacy operations — promoting safe and effective medication use and adherence, including support for specialty pharmacy services, high-risk/high-cost medications, 340B dispensing, and third-party financial management. ScriptPro technology enables pharmacies to participate in their patients’ healthcare at the highest levels, as well as cultivate new revenue streams and offer expanded services that meet the needs of the ever-evolving industry. 

Pharmacy Robotics and Workflow 

ScriptPro is the leader in pharmacy automation with thousands of robotic, workflow, and pharmacy management software installs worldwide. For over 20 years, ScriptPro’s state-of-the-art robotic prescription dispensing systems have been improving accuracy and patient care. Robotic dispensing fills 30-60% of your daily prescription volume, giving pharmacists more time for additional patient care. ScriptPro’s suite of six robot sizes enables any ambulatory setting to find the right fit for capacity needs and space constraints. ScriptPro robots seamlessly integrate with our SP Central Workflow System, allowing you to track 100% of your prescriptions. 

Comprehensive Pharmacy Software Solutions 

The unique needs of ambulatory pharmacy have met their match with ScriptPro’s SP Central Pharmacy Management System. It does it all — patient, prescriber, and prescription feeds from your EHR system, full POS integration, and real-time opioid risk. From clinical program management, 340B, third party solutions, and meds to beds protocols, ScriptPro gives you the tools to make pharmacy your health system’s biggest financial strength, while dramatically improving the patient experience. 

Real-Time 340B. No Gimmicks. 

340B is complicated, so just imagine an automated, intelligent 340B engine that qualifies and processes prescription data and delivers configurable, real-time accuracy today, not tomorrow. That’s what ScriptPro’s 340B Management Package can do for you. Constant analytics monitor and clean data to ensure compliance and program integrity. Maximize profits, minimize paperwork, and streamline workflow by automating everything you need to fill, track, order, and maintain compliance when processing prescriptions from segregated inventories. 

Advanced Pharmacy Clinical Services (APCS) 

Take control of your complex pharmacy clinical needs. With APCS, you can easily manage elaborate data configurations, multiple workflows, and comprehensive documentation — giving you advanced control over your patients’ complete care. Fully customizable, APCS streamlines your dispensing of Investigational Study prescriptions, high-risk REMS, and Specialty Pharmacy drugs. Our system also supports advanced MTM and patient disease state management services. Let ScriptPro’s APCS handle your most complex specialty pharmacy needs. 

Meds to Beds 

M2B programs are changing the patient discharge experience, improving the quality of patient care and overall hospital experience. Use ScriptPro’s SP Central Pharmacy Management System to interface with your health system EHR to receive patient, prescriber, and discharge prescription information, and process prescriptions. Pharmacy staff then utilize our PharmacyPro Mobile Dispense app to deliver medications directly to the patient’s bedside. By providing timely compliance, lowered readmissions, and increased revenue capture, ScriptPro’s integrated M2B system is a key component of a comprehensive health system pharmacy strategy. 

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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems Automation: Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow