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Stericycle's CsRx® Service Makes Disposing of Controlled-Substance Waste Easy [Video]

Company Background 

Since our founding over 25 years ago, Stericycle has grown from a small start-up in medical waste management into a leader across a range of increasingly complex and highly regulated arenas, including compliance and sustainability waste services, brand protection solutions, and customer contact solutions. Every organization today must comply with increasingly strict regulatory guidelines and quality controls in the delivery of their core businesses. Large or small, businesses can’t always do it on their own. They seek out Stericycle to help them. We have the expertise and passion to take on many complicated and often behind-the-scenes services our clients don’t always know how to do well but ultimately make their businesses better. 

Product Overview 

Hospitals and healthcare personnel recognize the risks associated with controlled-substance diversion and have procedures and policies in place to prevent it from occurring. Stericycle’s CsRx Service is designed for hospitals to enhance their existing security procedures to dispose of controlled substance waste in a safe and secure manner. Each CsRx container will contain a pre-loaded deactivating agent and deterrent, which will require water to activate. The deactivating agent and deterrent permanently alters the substance’s chemical condition rendering the substance non-retrievable; this includes: pills, patches, tablets, and IV solutions. Our proprietary containers are designed with a one-way disposal path allowing substances to enter the container but not be removed, preventing any possible diversion opportunities. The unique lid opening is designed to prevent a sharp, vial or ampoule from entering the container so that the deactivating agent can interact with the disposed controlled substance. Only our turnkey CsRx Service includes lockable wall brackets at no additional charge. All controlled substance waste is incinerated at a permitted Stericycle facility, keeping controlled substances out of our communities and waterways. CsRx Service is your secure solution for disposing of controlled substance waste, keeping your patients and staff safe. 

Features & Options 

Deactivates and Deters 

The activated carbon as well as the deterrent will arrive in a dry form at the bottom of the containers contained in pods. Once the activated carbon and deterrent have been activated, the containers are now ready for controlled substance waste to be added. The activated carbon will deactivate all forms of controlled substances including pills, patches, tablets, and IV solutions. The deterrent is a precaution for the unlikely occurrence of someone attempting to drink the liquid content, as it will physically prevent the drinking of the liquid in the container. 

Containers and Brackets 

Our containers were designed with a one-way disposal path which allows for medications to go into the containers but not be removed. In addition, the lid is designed to prevent a sharp vial or ampoule from entering the container. The medication will not be deactivated if the denaturant does not come into contact with the disposed medication. This design feature prevents possible diversion opportunities from occurring. Our turnkey system includes lockable wall brackets at no extra charge. 


The CsRx Service includes the handling of the controlled substance waste to final disposal. All controlled substance waste will be incinerated as a best management practice. 

CsRx (Full-Service) Service Value Offering 

• Mitigate diversion of controlled substance waste by having outside monitoring of containers. 

• Relieves pharmacy staff from monitoring and exchanging the containers. 

• Implementation done via live training. 

• Built in security to ensure low potential for diversion. 

• Staff training provided on how to properly use the containers. 

• Independent company helping hospital to stay compliant with current and future regulations. 

• Product and all servicing materials provided by Stericycle. 

• Proactive exchange of containers for reducing diversion and improving safety of containers. 

• Flat-monthly fee for easy budgeting. 

Markets Served 

Acute Care Hospitals; Non-Acute Healthcare Facilities 


Affiliations Vizient; Intalere; Premier 

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