Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Meet R&S Northeast - Find the Right Short-Dated Products

Short-dated pharmacy products, those with expiration dates within a year, are sometimes offered at large discount from wholesalers. Stocking your inventory with short-dated commonly dispensed or expensive medications provides pharmacies with significant savings over full-priced versions of these same products. 

The challenge is locating a ready supply of short-dated products to choose from. One of the services pharmaceutical wholesaler R&S offers is a monthly list of the short-dated items they have available for purchase. Visit their website and choose the “promotional items” tab to find a downloadable PDF of currently available short-dated items. 


About R&S Northeast

R&S Northeast has been a supplier of various healthcare products, including brand and generic pharmaceuticals, since 1973. They operate as a national wholesaler choosing to focus on developing third party contract sales to 340B-eligible customers. They also focus on third party contract sales, contracts with local and state governments, and the Department of Defense. 

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This post is related to:

340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems Wholesalers & Distributors