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Parata – Solutions to Reduce Costs, Improve Medication Adherence, and Enhance Patient Experience

Explore the technology, expertise, and people you can count on.

Company Background 

Parata provides pharmacy technology solutions to reduce costs, improve health outcomes, and enhance the patient experience by offering the most comprehensive pharmacy automation portfolio with medication adherence packaging, high-speed robotic dispensing technologies, and pharmacy workflow solutions. Discover how pharmacies across all practice settings use our solutions to stay out in front at

Product Overview

-Reduce Costs and Medication Errors

Medication errors in hospitals harm approximately 1.5 million people each year in the United States. Solve for reduced errors and costs with solutions designed to save time and money.

Parata Max® and Parata Max® 2

-Automate up to 80% of oral solids to reduce labor costs.

-Reduce filling errors because Max is 100% accurate for drug and dose.*

*Parata automation uses barcoding to verify a match between the inventory bottle NDC, unique to medication and strength, and the barcode on the dispensing cell. Parata automation selects the correct cell for dispensing 100 percent off the time, ensuring accurate drug and total dosage when proper processes are followed by the pharmacy.

Beacon® Pick-to-Light Inventory Workflow System

-Reduce carrying cost by 35% and expired med by 75%.

-Track your entire formulary from the bottle to reduce your dispensing error rate by as much as 62%.

Centralized Prescription Filling

-Reduce costs to fill a script by 70%.

-Ensure patient safety and quality by reducing medication dispensing errors.

-Improved Medication Adherence and Lower Total Cost of Care

10-25% of readmissions are due to noncompliance leading to $41.3B in additional costs. Simplify adherence for your patients with a medication adherence program. Synchronize daily medications into med pass times improving compliance, outcomes, and readmission rates.

Pouch Packagers

ATP®2 Pouch Packager

-Increase adherence because pouches make it easier for patients to stay compliant – up to 90%.

-Increase average of scripts per patient per year by up to 29%.

Inspection Technology

InspectRx® Pouch Inspection System and Parata Perl

-Decrease labor costs of manually handling pouches.

-Ensure accuracy and safety with speeds up to 5,600 pouches per hour.

Pouch and Blister Card Solution

ATP®2 Duo™ Blister/Pouch Packager

-Deliver meds in either blister or pouch – customized packaging by patient or facility.

-Reduce waste by using packaging you’ve already got.

-Enhance Patient Experience

The impact of positive patient experiences improves reputation, increases loyalty, and grows revenue.

Expand your reach beyond the pharmacy counter and hours of operation without the traditional overhead costs, reduce pharmacy wait times, and create pleasant experiences for your patients.

WellSpot™ Prescription Pick-Up Locker

-24/7 convenience to increase adherence and service.

-Gain up to 70% employees script capture.

-Provide better transition of care.

SpotLight™ Wireless, Light-Guided Will Call System

-Improve prescription retrieval times by 70%.

-Reduce time spent on return to stock by 90%.

Medication Adherence Packaging

-Deliver medications organized by day and time of dose to increase compliance and provide convenience.

-Ensure patient safety and quality by reducing medication dispensing errors.


“Beacon has allowed us, both on the quality side and on the financial side, to have a process of continual improvement. We’ve seen a reduction in dispensing errors. We have a confidence in the accuracy of the products we dispense. In addition, we’ve been able to reduce our formulary size and reduce the inventory we have on hand.” — Jeff Brinkley, Maury Regional Medical Center

Markets Served 

-Central Fill

-Hospital - Inpatient

-Hospital - Outpatient

-Independent Retail

-Long-Term Care

-Mail Order


-Retail Chain


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Adherence, Compliance, Remote Monitoring, Med Sync Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots