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PharmASSIST® Pharmacy Automation Solutions From Innovation

PharmASSIST® Pharmacy Automation Solutions From Innovation

Enabling pharmacists to evolve their roles to patient care providers so they can positively affect patient outcomes.

Company Background

Innovation is the leading provider of pharmacy automation and prescription fulfillment optimization solutions to the retail, hospital, government, and mail order pharmacy markets, and the first choice of leading U.S. teaching hospitals. We are the only pharmacy automation provider that applies a data-driven, engineering approach to each customized design and solution. Together we will achieve your vision for your entire outpatient pharmacy operation.

Product Overview

Our PharmASSIST® product suite covers all the bases of pharmacy fulfillment at both your outpatient pharmacies and high-volume centralized sites. Our scalable dispensing technologies and operations management platform helps you standardize your health system network’s technology infrastructure and develop a finely tuned technology growth path for the future.

PharmASSIST High Volume Solutions (HVS)

Our High Volume Solutions are the most technologically advanced and most versatile pharmacy production systems in the industry today. Whatever your network’s goals and requirements, our scalable High Volume Solutions address the entire range of prescription volumes, workflow, physical space, staffing, and many other customer-specific factors. All systems encompass a completely integrated and configurable collection of high-volume robotic dispensing, workflow and operations management, conveying, collation, packing, and shipping technologies.

-HVS Quick Start. A pragmatic starting point for small to midsized sites that fill 500 to 6,000 Rxs per shift.

-HVS Mid-size. Known as the “workhorse” system for mid-size sites that fill 2,000 to 12,000 Rxs per shift.

-HVS Large/Custom. Customized, next-generation designs for large sites that fill 12,000 to 100,000 Rxs per shift.

PharmASSIST Symphony® for High Volume

Serves as the adaptive brain of our High Volume Solutions, constantly adjusting to the alterations in workflow caused by changes in prescription demand. Harvesting its rich sources of data, Symphony continually optimizes your entire prescription production process, maintains high levels of throughput, eliminates the opportunity for errors, and enables your team to focus on performance. Symphony also extends into your inventory management and drug procurement processing, providing a more complete solution for managing perpetual inventory and automating purchasing at high-volume sites.

PharmASSIST SmartCabinet®

Automates the counting of your outpatient pharmacy’s top-moving countable drugs and greatly enhances the quality of your dispensing process. SmartCabinet’s small footprint delivers an unparalleled dispenser/space ratio with 50 dispensers in just three square feet, and the system easily scales in 50-dispenser increments. When integrated with a central fill/mail order solution, SmartCabinet helps decrease wait times and frees up staff to consult with patients at your outpatient pharmacies.

Additional Product Lines

-PharmASSIST Light-Way™ will call and storage/retrieval technology, and PharmASSIST M4XL dispenser for high-volume sites.

-Compliance packaging, unit of use automation, and tabletop counting technologies.

-Consultative Design Services – wide range of services to help pharmacies optimize their pharmacy operations related processes.

Ordering Information

To learn how our PharmASSIST pharmacy automation solutions can transform your pharmacy operation, call (607) 352-2146 or email

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