Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Your Partner in Medication - Yuyama

Your Partner in Medication - Yuyama

Yuyama's automated pharmaceutical equipment is designed to dramatically improve the service and efficiency of your pharmacy. As the world's largest pharmaceutical automation company, Yuyama keeps offering the resources and experience to understand and meet customer's needs. 

Yuyama has various solutions for pharmacies everywhere. Providing customers with overwhelming added value by improving their tasks and problem-solving. We provide solutions for: 

Hospital Pharmacy

Yuyama offers various ways for unit-dose dispensing. Increase productivity with minimum introduction cost.

Retail Pharmacy

Our products fit your pharmacy everywhere and its dispensing method. Feel our technologies for your needs.

Long Term Care

Our products specialize in improving adherence and patient safety. From medication select to verify, Yuyama provides a total solution for your pharmacy.


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