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Modular Cleanroom Consulting and Engineering Services

We Offer Cleanroom Consulting and Engineering Services to Help our Clients Choose the Most Optimal Solution for Their Cleanroom Needs, the First Time.

With over 35 years of collective experience, our industry experts work directly with our clients to help provide turnkey cleanroom facilities from design to commissioning, by providing sound advice that allows our clients to make informed decisions regardless of their specific cleanroom requirements.

Our Engineering Group Provides Comprehensive Services to Meet Both Immediate and Future Needs.


Help solve clients operational and existing technical problems


Develop new cleanrooms and improve existing cleanroom projects


Enhance and streamline cleanroom processes


Improve overall energy efficiency

Our Consulting and Engineering Process Begins With a Detailed Audit of the Potential Project Site and Company. 

Understanding Exactly how a Facility is Used on a Daily Basis is a Crucial Step to Best Tailor the Space to Meet Both Immediate and Future Needs.


Let us Solve, Develop, Enhance, and Improve Your Site Today.

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