Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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More Comfortable Sterile Compounding With Baker

Sterile pharmaceutical compounding falls under the USP<797> requirements, which specify the use of compounding aseptic isolator units within a cleanroom setting to minimize the risk of contamination when working with nonhazardous drugs. These work-space isolators are meant to decrease accidental exposure for pharmacy staff as well as increase patient safety.  

The Baker SteriSHIELD Barrier Isolator offers a positive-pressure environment that meets or exceeds USP standards. The device uses a HEPA-filtered unidirectional airflow of more than ISO Class 5 cleanliness to prevent outside contaminants from entering the chamber. The SteriSHIELD isolator caters to user comfort. Features include oval glove ports that allow users of varying heights to comfortably access the interior, and the adjustable stand means the unit can be set up for use while standing or sitting.


About Baker
For more than 60 years, Baker has been setting the standard for air containment and contamination control equipment with innovative solutions that protect users, products, and the environment.

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This post is related to:

Contamination Control: Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology