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Automation update from Yuyama: The Blient is now a 3-in-1 Blister Card Workflow System!

Automation update from Yuyama: The Blient is now a 3-in-1 Blister Card Workflow System!

We have upgraded our Blient, the Blister Card Automation to offer independent pharmacies more flexibility at the same cost! With the Blient you are now able to automate your workflow that use the most popular style of Blister Card system, integrating with your current software. The added flexibility of the Blient allows you to even fill your single-dose prescriptions in the same system. If you need larger multi-dose blister fills that option is available also. Designed with you in mind, your patients and your pharmacy: The Yuyama 3-in-1 Blister Card system: The Blient, Contact Us Today!


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