Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Barcoding and Unit Dose Systems - Accu-Chart®

Accu-Chart® has been in the unit dose drug distribution and barcode systems business for over 40 years. Our founder, Tim Cloninger, developed one of the first pharmacy and bedside barcode scanning systems, and was involved in developing the first unit dose packaging equipment with barcode printing capability. Today, we offer a variety of packaging and barcode solutions designed to prevent medication errors and reduce costs. 1) Multi-Dose: Our latest offering, the Axial™, is a next-generation multi-dose packaging machine containing innovative technology and features in a smaller footprint at an affordable price. 2) Unit-Dose: The Vantage Cadet® series of machines can package up to 120 doses-per-minute for solids and up to 32 doses-per-minute for liquids, all within a Class A package. 3) Barcode Labels: Our AccuPrint™ series of barcode label printers use high-quality 600dpi printing on a variety of labels, including our patented multi-dose flag labels and color-coding label designs. 4) And much more! From bagging machines for large items, pumps and syringe filling systems, compounding solutions and more, we have you covered for just about any need in your pharmacy. For more information on our products, please contact Accu-Chart® at (847) 252-7300, or visit our website at We look forward to speaking with you!



1305 Remington Road

Suite I

Schaumburg, IL 60173

PHONE: 847-252-7300

FAX: 630-307-5982

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Workflow: Printers, Barcode Printing