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Innovating and Collaborating for a Safer Public Health - NABP

Founded in 1904, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that protects the public health by assisting its member boards of pharmacy by offering programs that promote safe pharmacy practices. NABP aims to ensure the public’s health and safety through its pharmacist license transfer, and pharmacist competence assessment programs, and its accreditation programs including Community, Specialty, DMEPOS, Compounding, Drug Distributor, and OTC Medical Device Distributor. NABP’s accreditation programs provide businesses a cost-effective, streamlined, and collaborative approach to meet business, patient, and regulatory needs. Today, as a complement to its licensure, pharmacist examination, and accreditation programs, NABP’s innovative and data-driven approach supports the creation of forward-looking services that provide a clear and actionable path for state boards, pharmacists, and the industry to maintain and enhance pharmacy practice standards.  


National Association of Boards of Pharmacy

1600 Feehanville Drive

Mount Prospect, IL 60056

PHONE: 847-391-4406

FAX: 847-375-1114

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