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Pharmacy Space Planning/Design. Modular Pharmacy Casework. Professional Installation Services - R.C. Smith

Pharmacy Space Planning/Design. Modular Pharmacy Casework. Professional Installation Services.

With more than 7,500 pharmacy designs completed and installed, R.C. Smith is recognized as the seasoned leader in the market of pharmacy space planning and modular pharmacy casework. Our experienced staff will listen carefully as you outline your specific requirements and they will draw upon literally thousands of completed pharmacy projects to offer the best solution possible for your space plan and modular pharmacy casework selections. We are known for creating highly efficient and productive work environments for all areas of your pharmacy. R.C. Smith’s modular pharmacy casework combines product adaptability with the efficient use of space, healthy ergonomics, and pleasing aesthetics. R.C. Smith understands that providing the best patient care and operating a highly efficient and productive pharmacy go hand in hand, and we’re positioned to make your next project as successful as possible!


R.C. Smith

14200 Southcross Drive West

Burnsville, MN 55306

TOLL-FREE: 800-747-7648

FAX: 952-854-8160

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