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Wireless Temperature Monitoring for Pharmacies - SmartSense by Digi

Wireless Temperature Monitoring for Pharmacies

SmartSense offers environmental and refrigeration monitoring for pharmacies. Ensure the efficacy of vaccines and medicines through real-time temperature and humidity monitoring, meeting and surpassing rigorous CDC, VFC, and The Joint Commission compliance standards. Pharmacy safety and quality control programs are critical to protecting patients and meeting federal regulations. These programs focus on improving quality standards, reducing loss from spoilage, and avoiding safety incidents. Many pharmacies rely on manual monitoring, which at best gives you point-in-time snapshots, leaving you in the dark and unable to properly manage risk. Make proactive decisions enabled by SmartSense’s patented product simulation that provides insight into actual product temperature, as well as ambient temperature. Product temperature simulation models and alarm delays for detected temperature excursions reduce the number of false alarms. Gain product level visibility with predictive models that enables proactive decision making. The SmartSense solution improves patient safety and maintains quality control with automated temperature monitoring. Gain peace of mind knowing that operations are in compliance, equipment is being monitored, and medications are maintaining their efficacy.


SmartSense by Digi

Josh Griggs

186 Lincoln Street 

9th Floor 

Boston, MA 02111

TOLL-FREE: 866-806-2653

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Temperature Monitoring (Wireless)