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Counting and Splitting With Accuracy - Parata

Counting and Splitting With Accuracy

Automatically and precisely split pills with BullsEye® Tablet Splitter. This simple, yet sophisticated device reduces labor and pill waste by splitting up to 16 pills per-minute, hands-free. BullsEye cuts with incredible accuracy, ensuring that your patients get the right strength every time. The process is simple: scan the medication barcode, enter the quantity needed, and BullsEye splits the medication. Adding additional pills to the BullsEye formulary is quick and simple, only requiring additional canisters and a simple SD card update. A premium high-capacity scale for an affordable price, Parata’s AccuCount II® Scale stores 500,000 drugs and offers the highest counting speed in the industry.



106 Roche Drive

Durham, NC 27703

TOLL-FREE: 888-727-2821

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