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Your Ultimate Guide: Regulatory and Compliance Consulting - Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

We empower pharmacy teams to successfully optimize their operations and understand the impact compliance and regulatory requirements have on your pharmacy. With nearly 50 years of industry-leading experience and technology that is proven to deliver results, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services is driven to serve as a trusted partner. That is why we participate in over 500 regulatory surveys a year. It’s also why we have a specialized team dedicated to finding opportunities to improve patient quality and achieve better outcomes across the entire continuum of care, while uncovering savings along the way. We work side-by-side with our clients on initiatives from inpatient and outpatient outcomes to the 340B program, and we run comprehensive assessments on programs from USP 797 and USP 800 sterile compounding to clinical pharmacy practice. With breakthrough technology and tools, we can show our clients how they line up against their peers and provide the strategies needed to take it to the next level. Employing over 2,500 pharmacy professionals, CPS is one of the nation’s largest providers of pharmacy services to more than 800 hospital and healthcare facilities leading to increased quality, readmissions, and lower costs. CPS services include: pharmacy consulting, inpatient and outpatient pharmacy management, telepharmacy, ambulatory, and specialty pharmacy solutions.

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Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology