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Trust the Expert in Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal and Environmental Services - Clean Harbors

Trust the Expert in Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal and Environmental Services

For over 40 years, Clean Harbors has helped thousands of healthcare institutions of all sizes manage their environmental and waste disposal needs. Our programs indemnify your institution and reduce your risk. We have the in-house experience, expertise, and resources to handle your complete pharmaceutical and hazardous waste program – beginning to end. Clean Harbors is the only environmental services provider that has the ability to manage 100% of your pharmaceutical and hazardous waste, spill cleanups, and facility maintenance within a company-owned network of 100+ service centers, over 50 hazardous waste disposal facilities, and the largest hazardous waste incineration capacity in North America. This ability helps keep transportation and disposal costs down. You can also leverage our recycling facilities to reduce the volume of hazardous waste. Clean Harbors employees have one goal – to deliver the highest level of service to protect your institution and the environment.


Clean Harbors

42 Longwater Drive

P.O. Box 9149

Norwell, MA 02061-9149



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