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Surescripts Optimizes Workflow and Speed to Fill With Automated Enrollment

Surescripts Optimizes Workflow and Speed to Fill With Automated Enrollment

Specialty Patient Enrollment reduces administrative delays with an automated process that pulls details from the EHR and automatically sends forms to your workflow, leading to more complete and accurate information – and faster speed to fill.

Company Background

Our purpose is to serve the nation with the single most trusted and capable health information network, built to increase patient safety, lower costs, and ensure quality care. Since 2001, Surescripts has led the movement to turn data into actionable intelligence, and convened the Surescripts Network Alliance™ to enhance prescribing, inform care decisions, and advance the healthcare industry.

Product Overview

Specialty Patient Enrollment automates the workflow for specialty medications, helping pharmacists to align benefit details, clinical information, and medication costs to quickly and reliably get patients on their medications. With Specialty Patient Enrollment, you get the patient’s prescription, prior authorization, and patient enrollment forms together in your pharmacy’s workflow.

-Use a secure electronic connection to prescribers nationwide, with attachment of forms and clinical information for seamless care coordination in workflow.

-Receive more complete and accurate patient enrollment forms directly in the pharmacy workflow, eliminating the need for multiple faxes and calls with prescribers.

-Seamlessly embed Specialty Patient Enrollment and related forms into your pharmacy’s software platform, bringing these advanced capabilities to your pharmacists and patients.

-Get your patients the critical medications they need, faster and more efficiently.

Product Specifications

-Step 1: At the point of prescribing, Specialty Patient Enrollment populates the enrollment form with information pulled directly from the electronic health record. The enrollment form can be sent directly to your pharmacy with no intervention needed from prescribers or their staff. Your pharmacy receives the prescription and enrollment form.

-Step 2: Prior authorization required? If the prescriber’s office is relying on you to handle prior authorization, Surescripts includes that information in the enrollment form and ensures you have the data needed to complete the request. Questions for the prescriber? Bidirectional messaging helps you get answers without leaving your workflow or picking up the phone.

-Step 3: Specialty Patient Enrollment gives you all the information required to dispense the medication and automatically populate the patient’s case file. It uses the prescriber order number to link the e-prescription with the enrollment form and confirms prior authorization electronically if needed, making for a streamlined workflow.


“The complexities of specialty medications require pharmacies to gather additional information beyond the basics of strength, frequency, dose, and directions. Our collaboration with Surescripts is a complement to our existing solutions and further enhances our ability to reduce turnaround time, improve the prescriber experience and ensure access to medication for patients.” — Brian Seiz, President of Accredo

"We are excited to be able to provide prescribers and their patients with a streamlined, automated workflow for specialty medications. Innovation that keeps clinicians off the phone and in their workflow saves significant time and resources in an area of the market that’s rightfully concerned about rising healthcare and prescription drug costs.” — Neil Simon, Chief Operating Officer at eMDs

Trade Shows

-Asembia – May 3-7

-NASP – September 14-17

Ordering Information

Ready to accelerate your dispensing workflow, reduce administrative burden and improve time to therapy? Contact Surescripts about Specialty Patient Enrollment today.

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