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Decontamination Consumables During A Pandemic

Infectious diseases are challenging to identify immediately, in fact, in general, they are not identified until a person is showing symptoms and are later tested. This means that in the days or even weeks before symptoms occur, a person is more than likely leaving a trail of contagious germs all over. Not only is personal hygiene extremely important (washing your hands, not touching your face etc.) but preventative measures on larger scales are also necessary.

Different areas will of course require different methods of preventative measures, but in some of the more crucial areas such as hospitals, factories, pharmacies and commercial operations; proper protocols must be implemented in order to keep from cross-contamination or re-contamination. Correct use of decontamination consumables is going to be one of the strongest treatments of spreading contagions and there are appropriate guidelines to follow to safeguard these areas.


Although such germs cannot be seen by the human eye, it can be assumed that they can be anywhere a person can touch, cough or sneeze on and even float into the air landing in near areas that we do not consider. In general, we should take extra precautions to ensure less of a spread and more of a control. 

We are facing a situation in which we do not fully understand, but we do understand the importance of social mannerisms and social distancing that will prevent the spread of these contagious diseases as well as how critical it is to clean our areas and continue to work hard against contaminating others. 

Below, we are sharing proper surface wiping procedures to help you realize best cleaning efficacy.

1. Always follow relevant site protocols and procedures; this should include wearing appropriate cleanroom gloves and garments.

2. Fold the wiper into quarter folds. This will provide several clean surface areas and allow better contact with the surface to be wiped.

3. When wiping, hold the wiper so that the folded edge is toward your fingertips. Hold the unfolded edges in your hand. Group the unfolded edges between your thumb and forefinger.

4. Use either a pre-wetted wiper or a dry wiper moistened with an appropriate cleaning agent.

5. Wipe in one direction, overlapping wiped area by 10% to 25%.

6. Wipe from cleanest to least clean regions of the surface being wiped. Wipe systematically, so from top to bottom, or far to near, in a linear vs. circular motion.

7. Be sure to keep track of which surfaces have been cleaned and which wiper areas are unused.

8. Always use the cleanest surfaces of the wiper. If re-wiping, use a clean portion of the wiper, not the used wiper area.

9. Dispose of wipers according to established site procedures.


Prevention is the best policy so please embrace all aspects to protect yourself and others. Teknisat wet wipes are intended to kill the virus on inanimate surfaces, but not intended for use on human skin. We can help keep your environment clean and virus free, but if you feel ill, please get yourself tested and isolate to prevent potential spread.

The Teknipure team is working continuously to provide such products for the best possible decontamination solutions and we understand the importance of infectious disease control. We are available for any questions surrounding proper methods of cleaning and decontamination of all surfaces.

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