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A Parasol Medical Product - MicrobeCare [VIDEO]


A Parasol Medical Product 

A unique, patented, EPA registered molecularly bonded antimicrobial technology 

Odorless | Colorless | Non-Leaching | Persistant

Germicidal, Viricidal, Bactericidal, Fungicidal, Tuberculocidal 

-100% of terminally cleaned O.R. surfaces were culture-positive with heavy bacterial contamination before being treated with MicrobeCare

-92% of I.C.U. surfaces tested were culture-negative 6-weeks after treatment. Mean colony count per surface of 51 colonies before, 0.83 colonies after.

-78% reduction in culture-positive O.R. surfaces 6-weeks after treatment. Mean colony count per surfaces of 14.3 colonies before, 0.8 colonies after.

-73% reduction in ATP scores 6-weeks after treating O.R. surfaces with MicrobeCare (mean 279.9 RLU before, 75.9 RLU after)

"A single application of MicrobeCare, [provides] a significant and persistent, long-term reduction in OR surface contamination."- Dr. Charles E. Edminston Jr. PhD, SM (ASCP), CIC (CBIC), Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin 

For clinical study data and to learn more about MicrobeCare visit

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Contamination Control: Quality Control, Lab Testing Services