Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Increase Foot Traffic and Take a Lead in Supporting Your Community - Stericycle [VIDEO]

Stericycle's suite of safe, compliant and eco-conscious disposal solutions support successful immunization programs and mitigate drug diversion, keeping your business, safe and consumers safe. We protect what matters. 

Comprehensive Regulated Waste Management for your Pharmacy

Seal &Send Medication Mail Back Envelopes and Drug Take Back Kiosks

-Convenient for consumer disposal

-Mitigates drug diversion in your community

-Protects the environment, keeping drugs out of waterways and landfills

-DEA Compliant

Controlled Substance Waste Service (CsRx)

-Mitigates drug diversion in your facility

-Effective disposal of controlled substance wastage

Sharps Mail Back Containers

-Increases safety and efficiency of your immunization program

-Cost-effective and convenient

-USPS and OSHA Compliant 

We Protect What Matters. 

Learn more at


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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution